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Expect nothing but the changes.

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

As they say, change is the only constant in life. But getting comfortable with change? That is an entire different story, isn’t it?

We tend to stick to old patterns and routines because they make us feel comfortable. Even if they no longer serve us, we often stick with them because they are known.

While change can be stressful in the immediate, long term it can be opportunity or a blessing in disguise.

Here are some ways to help you navigate change:

Embrace Change and Uncertainty

When change comes along, we often resist because we feel like we’ve lost control in some capacity. It’s looked upon as a major disruption when a better way to view it is as an opportunity. While it is human nature to want to resist, try to embrace the new possibilities of change.

Try seeing change and uncertainty from a different perspective. Instead of asking why this is happening to you, ask yourself why this is happening for you. What do you need to learn from this? What new opportunities or adventures are available to you now?

When you embrace change, you evolve as a person. It helps you handle issues that arise by surprise, and you learn how to become more resilient. You learn more about yourself and the world around you.   

Have an Open Mind

Have a mind that is open to everything and attached to nothing. When we come from a place of abundance and excitement about new things, the universe responds to us in kind. When you refuse to accept change, your options dwindle, and you stay stagnant.

If this seems scary at first, you’re not alone. Our brains are wired to protect and keep us from perceived harm. And to some of us, change from how things have been for a long time can feel like it will be harmful to us.

Let Go of What You Fear to Lose

In a previous post, I talked about how important it is to train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. Remember, eighty percent of the choices we make are based on fear. Often times we don’t really choose what we want – we choose what we think is the safest.

Get into the habit of digging deep to understand what your fears are. Then ask yourself what the worst possible outcome is. Then game plan for it. What you will likely realize is that if the worst-case scenario actually happens, you may be deeply affected by it, but you will come out the other side okay. Even if it takes a while.

Fear has a way of gripping us so tightly that we forget how resilient we naturally are. We forget that while we might not like a particular outcome if it happens, we will be okay in the end. Afterall, we have all survived 100% of the things that have happened to us already.

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