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If they take my stapler, I’ll set the building on fire.

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Ahhhh, Office Space. This movie was released in 1999, and over two decades later, so many of us can still relate to the ridiculousness dynamics in an office working in corporate America. Inside the mundane, Groundhog Day-esque realm of our workdays, the corporate overlords rule over us, having no idea how things really get done. And every office space has their Milton. 

In Office Space, Milton is always slighted in some way. He doesn’t get cake on birthday celebrations; his desk is moved to the basement, and no one really takes him seriously. He’s always brushed off. While he always remains calm and meek, he mumbles that he will set the building on fire. And no one takes him seriously. Until one day, lo and behold, the office building is a raging inferno.

The lesson here is that everyone has a breaking point. In Milton’s case, he didn’t actually burn down the building because they took his beloved red swingline stapler. He did it because of all the abuse he suffered on the job.  

Obviously, burning down your office building isn’t the best way to address your feelings about how you’re being treated – just saying. But even the most patient and kind people have a final straw that causes them to break.

I have found working with many kinds of people, that there are two things that are universal. Showing people basic kindness and validation can go a long way – especially in a challenging work environment.

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