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A wise man can see more from the bottom of a well than a fool can from a mountain top.

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

We know that rock bottom teaches us significantly more than reaching our mountain tops do. We also know that all the happiness and growth happens during the journey of the climb, rather than reaching the top of the mountain itself. But for the fool, he places too much value in getting to the top. He discounts the fact that what causes him to enjoy the view up high, are all the challenges, adversity, and growth he encountered along the way.

The wise man, however, may be stuck at the bottom of a well, but he can sure see more than the fool can. He knows that struggle is part of life. He welcomes adversity as an opportunity to overcome and become better. He sees failure as experience and is always wanting to learn.

To achieve your goals, to be the person you want to be, and to constantly be growing, you have to be open to learning. Without an open mindset to learning, you will stay stuck at the level you are.

But, when you have a mindset to learn, you will always be growing in the right direction. This is one of the biggest traits of a wise person. A wise person doesn’t claim to know everything; rather they are always learning.

At every step of the way, life is giving us an opportunity to learn. From the smallest events like waking up late and missing the bus, to something bigger, like starting a business and failing, everything in life can teach us a lesson. A wise man sees these opportunities to learn; after all, you can’t learn a fraction of what you can learn from life in a textbook.

A fool, on the other hand, goes through the flow of life without realizing the incredible learning opportunities.

How You See Limitations Matter

Although we love to think otherwise, every human being has limitations. We were all born as crying, dependent little beings. We all have 24 hours in a day. We all have basic needs. Yet, have you ever felt like others just ‘have it better’ or are blessed with more?

The reality is, we are all the same. Sure, some people might have been born into wealthier families or had an easier childhood, but that still doesn’t take away from another human being’s ability to achieve success.

Understanding this is what distinguishes between a wise man and a fool.

A wise man uses what he has to the best of his ability. Have you ever noticed that there are people who seem to be able to fit three days worth of activities into one? They workout, work on their goals, balance their lives, manage their house, meet friends, and more. But they are just the same as anyone else. They all have the same 24 hours in a day as us. They’ve just found a way to maximize their time.

Similarly, there are people who are disabled who can do more than the average person. They are an inspiration because they have conquered their limitations and achieved greatness.

On the other hand, a fool complains about his limitations. A fool lets these limitations keep him stuck and often uses these limitations as an excuse. “I don’t have time” or “I am not good enough” are just excuses for staying stuck. Instead of seeing their limitations as something they can overcome or work around, they play the victim.

How You See Challenges Matter

We all have highs and lows. Life gives us experiences that are both joyful and challenging, but both are part of the human experience. The question, though, is how you navigate these experiences and whether you use them to grow or you allow them to drag you down.

When something difficult happens in life, it’s your choice to use it as a lesson or to give up. A fool would use a challenge and think “this terrible thing happened to me, so let me give up.” A wise person, though, takes every challenge as an opportunity to grow.

For example, let’s say someone started a business and failed. The fool would give up and use this as an excuse as to why they can’t make it work. They might end up becoming bitter and resentful, and maybe even put others down. The wise man, though, sees failure as experience. He looks at it as if he has discovered what doesn’t work in business and uses that knowledge in his next business endeavor.

The key to a successful life is to constantly be learning. A wise person learns from every experience in life, whether it be a joyful experience or a challenge. It’s easy to make excuses, especially in the face of setbacks and challenges. But a wise person knows that excuses keep them stuck at the same place they are.

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