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It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Have you ever tried your best and done everything in the most perfect way possible, but it still all falls apart?

For example, think about planning a party. You can order decor, plan the food, agonize over every tiny detail as much as you can, and invite all the guests. It could all be perfectly planned. But things can still go wrong. The guests show up late, there is a fire in the house next door, and the power goes out. Even if you don’t make a single mistake, it doesn’t guarantee anything. It’s just another plot twist in our lives.

We have seen this even more clearly in recent times with the pandemic. Many of us had life plans all laid out that completely got destroyed, at no fault of our own. Life happens, and we cannot predict what the next moment will bring us.

Here are some things to remember about life.

1. Life isn’t always fair. One of the most important and helpful lessons to remember about life is that it is not always fair. Some of us have grown up in more difficult situations than others. Everyone has a different set of challenges that they are born with.

And these challenges will continue throughout our lives. Someone might get into the college you wanted. Someone might try less for a job and still get it. Or maybe someone just eats the last cookie in the cookie jar!

While this can feel discouraging and pessimistic, it can actually help us move forward if we let it. It is a lesson of acceptance. When we accept that life is not always fair, we can try to deal with the situation logically and most effectively, rather than getting stuck in burdening questions like “why me?”.

2. Chase success even when you fail. Failure can be hard. No one enjoys losing, especially when they made no mistakes. But that does not mean we shouldn’t try anymore. True failure is only when we give up, because there is always another chance for success. So don’t give up. Remember, failures and losses are just part of life. Continue persevering!

3. Mistakes will be made. Even though it is true that if you don’t make a single mistake, it is still possible to lose, it’s also important to remember another truth: mistakes will be made. At the end of the day, we are all human. We will mess up from time to time.

We might say the wrong thing at the wrong time or send a personal text to the wrong person after a tiring day. We might forget an anniversary or a birthday. We might not get as good grades on the test we hoped. We will make mistakes, and it is important to remember that while also showing ourselves compassion.

So, remember, be kind and gentle with yourself the next time you make a mistake.

The truth is, the universe is immensely complex, and life reflects that. We cannot account for everything no matter how hard we try. It’s important to accept that sometimes even when we try our best, stay dedicated, and make no mistakes, we might lose. Life throws us curveballs. It’s our choice, however, to decide to give up or not. We decide if we take it as a lesson and experience and try again, or to take it as a failure and a weakness.

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