You are currently viewing Life is hard for two reasons: because you’re leaving your comfort zone, or because you are staying in it.

Life is hard for two reasons: because you’re leaving your comfort zone, or because you are staying in it.

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  • Post category:Quotes
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Many of the decisions we make in our daily lives are based upon our need to feel comfortable. Most of the time, we stay firmly within our comfort zone. We shy away from activities that are different than the things we usually do, especially if they include the element of risk.

If you have ever avoided taking action on something that you really wanted to do, then you are probably very familiar with that anxious, nervous feeling that says, “Maybe it’s better if I just stay where I am rather than risking something that could lead to disappointment.”

While it’s totally understandable why you would want to avoid putting yourself in uncomfortable situations, it’s crucial for your development to stretch beyond your current capabilities. If you want to keep growing and evolving, both personally and professionally, you must be willing to get out of your comfort zone.

Making the decision to step out of your comfort zone takes courage, but it’s one of the most rewarding things that you will ever do for yourself. You will quickly come to realize that you are capable of so much more than you previously believed. You also get to experience a sense of exhilaration and freedom as you leave your bonds behind and move bravely forward into a better future.

You might be relieved to know that stepping out of your comfort zone can be done in baby steps (yes, like Bob Wiley in What About Bob?), rather than giant leaps. A good way to start is to consider one small step that you can take toward one of your current goals. Make the decision to do it, even if you feel afraid. After taking that step, your courage and confidence will grow so that taking additional steps will become easier and easier. Over time, your willingness to take even bigger steps should continue to grow as you get more comfortable with being uncomfortable.

When you feel tempted to run back to the safety and security of your comfort zone, remind yourself of these two things:

1. A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there

2. Your comfort zone can be a prison that limits you and has its own set of uncomfortable consequences.

By refusing to stretch and grow as a person, you may become bored, uninspired, and perhaps even fearful. It virtually guarantees that your life cannot get better than what it is today. Rather than charting your own course through life, you are constantly tossed about by the waves of change. And the worst part is, you have no control over where you end up. Eventually you realize that staying in your comfort zone is far worse than any disappointments that you might experience from taking small risks.

Remind yourself often that you deserve better than that. You deserve a life that makes you feel inspired, fulfilled, and happy. But know that you probably won’t get it by sitting on the sidelines and waiting for things to happen. If you will commit to taking even the tiniest of steps toward something that you want, life will rush forward to meet you halfway. The universe is funny like that. And you will feel so good about yourself that you will come to love the process of stretching and growing into something more.

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