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If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

When you have a desire to create positive change in your life, you will usually need to create space for it in some way. This is usually a process of releasing anything that is no longer serving you, as well as releasing anything that conflicts with the new outcome or situation you want.

For example, if your desire is to experience better physical health, you will likely need to make some changes as far as your diet and physical activity are concerned. And this is especially if you have unhealthy habits which directly oppose your intention to be healthier. Likewise, if you wanted to start a new business or even improve an existing one, you would need to devote more time and attention to it. That might mean sacrificing the time and energy you were expending on other activities.

In all areas of your life, you are always sacrificing one thing for another. You can choose to sacrifice your dreams and desires by remaining stuck in old habits, or you can let go of those unproductive activities and move forward to create something better.

It’s understandable if you might feel some resistance to letting go of the old conditions, simply because you may have gotten comfortable with them. Maybe you have been repeating the same patterns for years, and you feel unsure about your ability to do something new. Maybe your unhealthy habits have even become coping tools that help you manage stress, so you’re reluctant to let them go.

However, refusing to release unproductive patterns only keeps you stuck in a state of limbo, unable to move forward and create more satisfying experiences in the future.

One good way to diminish any resistance you feel is to spend some time thinking about the new conditions or outcomes you wish to experience. Call to mind detailed images about how much happier you will be once those changes have been established. Imagine yourself smiling, feeling happy and excited about the new and improved conditions of your life. Try to feel those pleasant feelings as you focus on the images.

And now ask yourself, “Are these outcomes worth the small amount of temporary discomfort I might endure? Am I willing to let go of anything that’s holding me back from receiving what I truly want?”

At first you might feel uncertain about that, but the more you focus on the fact that you will be gaining so much more than you will be losing, it will be easier to commit to the changes. As your confidence and determination grows, following through with action will be the natural next step.

Once you have begun this journey, don’t be surprised if you waver between determination and doubt at times. Change is always a bit challenging, but simply keep reminding yourself that the sacrifice is well worth it. Say frequently, “I’m willing to give up anything that holds me back from what I truly want. This discomfort will pass, and I will be so glad that I persisted.”

Soon, you will move beyond the initial discomfort and begin to feel exhilarated about the changes you are making, and you will know then that you made the right decision.

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