You are currently viewing Cherish every moment because for every breath you take, someone else is taking their last.

Cherish every moment because for every breath you take, someone else is taking their last.

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  • Post category:Quotes
  • Reading time:2 mins read

It is human to lose perspective when it comes to gratitude and the idea that our time here is limited. We always think we’ll have time to do the things that really matter, that are really important to us.

If we woke up every morning, appreciating the fact that we are still breathing and have this full day to live, all the things that weigh on our minds as big deals would just become the small stuff.

For most of us, time is what we want the most, yet we use the worst. We believe that we have all the time in the world. But tomorrow is promised to no one.

When I think of making the most of life every day, I want to live like I am dying. Because we are all dying. I want to take risks and chances. I want to tell the people I love how much they mean to me. And for some reason, I always I think of Mr. Saito in Inception saying to Leonardo DiCaprio’s character Cobb, “Do you want to take a leap of faith? Or become and old man filled with regret waiting to die alone?”

Life is too short to stay angry, feel bitter, not take chances and most importantly, waste your time on things that aren’t really going to mean anything when you look back at your life. Are your posts on Instagram really going to matter when you are close to taking your last breath? Is working 60+ hours each week really going to have mattered?

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