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The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have.

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  • Post category:Quotes
  • Reading time:4 mins read

In Lord of the Rings, Gandalf tells Frodo, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” Our time on this Earth is limited and tomorrow is promised to no one. Who we are is determined by what we choose to do with the time and the cards we’ve been dealt.

We are what we do, not what we say we will do. What are you doing with what you have? Are you doing the things you really want to do?

If you are like me, that answer is resounding no most of the time. I fall into the trap of focusing on things I want to “clear” off my plate, that are typically meaningless things, like chores. The problem for me is I get so focused on the details and making those things “perfect” that I end up too exhausted to focus on the things that matter. You know, the things that actually will matter a year from now…not an organizational system for the pantry or a perfectly clean house.

Here’s how to stop wasting time and start focusing on the things that actually matter:

1.) Be clear about the things you really value. Come up with your top five things that are most important to you. Think of them as blueprint for how you can start taking action in your life that supports what you value. As humans, we tend to place value on too many things. We need to break it down, and categorize what’s the most important, followed by moderately important, followed by least important.

2.) Honestly assess your commitments. How well do your non-essential commitments align with your top five important things? If they support one or more of your top five, great. If not, really think about how much time you are giving to it and whether or not you want to keep doing it.

3.) How are you spending your time? Are you spending your time on things that really don’t matter? Maybe you are spending too much time on social media or watching Westworld. Maybe you are westworlding your days away on the same mundane things that have become ineffective habits. Honestly look at how much time you are spending on things and see if they align with what is most important to you. Obviously, there are going to be things you need to do to take care of yourself and keep the trains running on time at home. But if spending hours on social media doesn’t fit your action items for what’s really important to you, then maybe you start reallocating some of that time.

4.) Commit to taking one massive action (even if it is something small) every day that gets you closer to you what you want. It is our consistent, daily habits that end up defining our focus. Start doing something today that will matter a year from now. Maybe you want to be a writer but don’t know where to begin. Instead of waiting for the inspiration to sit down and write, commit to carving out some time every day to write something. It can be anything. Make the time – even if it’s just 20 minutes.

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