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If it costs you your peace, it’s too expensive.

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  • Post category:Quotes
  • Reading time:2 mins read

There have been countless times that I have laid in bed at night, stressing over so many things. Mostly over things I cannot even control. Some of them were big things, like a serious existential crisis. But many of them were small things, that in the grand scheme of things, really didn’t matter.

Then one day I saw a quote that was a question. Now this question is literally my litmus test as to whether or not the stress even gets to enter my mind. The question is: 

Is this going to matter a year from now?

If it will, then I allow it to rent out some space in my head. But the funny thing is, by filtering out all the small things that used to live in my head rent free and cluttering up my sanity, I find that I can actually handle those big things much easier. I can actually be effective at working through the stress and anxiety and devising a game plan that focuses on what I can control in the situation.

And I’ve honestly found that handling it this way creates peace inside me. What is in your life that is costing you your peace? Is it going to matter a year from now?

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