We all fall sometimes. Whether it’s an unhealthy mindset, relationship or an addiction. What defines us is how we rise after falling. But how can we do that if we are in the same environment that led us down this place that made us sick?
When a flower doesn’t bloom, what do we do? If we want the flower to grow and thrive, we have to change the environment. Maybe where it was planted was too dark, or maybe it wasn’t getting enough water. We can continuously change the environment until we find the right one for it to blossom and flourish.
If you are an addict in recovery, you have to change your people, places and things to stay in recovery. Chances are certain people and situations enabled you to stay in active addiction. It’s nearly impossible to stay around those things and be well. Since you want to be in recovery, staying in those situations no longer serves you because you choose recovery.
The same thing is true in unhealthy relationships. If you’re in an abusive relationship, your self-esteem is likely being eroded away every day. The longer you stay in that situation, you can begin to lose sight of who you are, how important you are and how much you matter. If you choose to stay in the relationship, you have to start adding people in your life who aren’t negative reinforcers so you can start to heal. To fully heal, you will eventually have to leave if your partner doesn’t make an effort to change his behavior.
You deserve to be in place where you are nourished and healed. Is your current environment helping you or hurting you?